The department offers following Ph.D. and M.Tech. programme


Course Curriculum of Ph.D Programme in Food Process Engineering and Management:-


Code Course Code Course Title L T P Credit
Major1 FE 606 Food Process Modelling 3 0 0 3
FE601/603/604/605 To be offered by the Dept. 3 0 0 3
Minor2 Other Department Course 3 0 0 3
Supporting Course (Compulsory Course) IDS 619 Research Methodology and Publication Ethics 3 0 0 3
Supporting Course (Compulsory Course) FBM 514 Statistics and Business Analytics 3 0 2 4
Credit Seminar 4 FE607 Credit Seminar 0 0 4 2
Total 18


Code Course Code Course Title L T P Credit
Major FE 602 Non-Thermal Food Processing Technology 3 0 0 3
Minor Other department course 3 0 0 3
Supporting Course (Compulsory Course) IDS 525 Advanced Digital Technologies in Food Industry 2 0 2 3
Supporting Course (Compulsory Course) AES 605 Scientific and Technical Writing 1 0 0 1
Deficiency Course 5 To be decided by the research guide Non-Credit
FE 609 Synopsis Seminar 6 0 0 4 2
FE608 Credit Seminar 0 0 4 2
FE610 Research 0 0 4 2
Total 16


Code Course Code Course Title L T P Credit
Preliminary (Written Comprehensive Exam) – minor courses 7 Non Credit
Preliminary (Written Comprehensive Exam) – major courses 7
Comprehensive viva voice8 Non Credit
FE610 Research 18
Total 18


Code Course Code Course Title L T P Credit
FE610 Research 18


Code Course Code Course Title L T P Credit
FE610 Research 18


Code Course Code Course Title L T P Credit
FE610 Research 18


1 course Department shall propose pool of courses. These may be 3+0+0=3 or 2+0+2=3 as per demand of the syllabus. The codes start with 6 series. On the recommendation of SAC/Guide & HoD particular scholar offer courses as per need.
2Minor Courses Any Ph.D. course offer in the institute other than parent department and/or any M.Tech. course offer in that particular semester or MOOC course may be offered as minor course.
3Compulsory Courses Mandatory for all Ph.D. scholars.
4Credit Seminar One teacher will be assigned as In-charge Credit seminar. A committee of three members viz., Seminar In-Charge, concerned Guide and HoD/nominee will judge the credit seminar. Schedule of credit seminar will be notified by the Seminar In-charge. Abstract and the best five papers related to the credit seminar need to be circulated to all the department faculty and Ph.D. scholars at least 7 days prior to the date of delivery of the credit seminar. A write up on credit seminar also need to submit to the department before end of semester.
5Deficiency course It is not mandatory but only on the recommendation of supervisor, if required. Deficiency course may be any course from UG/PG/MOOC.
6Synopsis Seminar Synopsis seminar must be delivered during second semester and approved from Dean (PGS) before the start of 3rd Semester. The minimum duration between the approval of synopsis seminar and submission of thesis shall be 4 semesters.
7Preliminary (Written Comprehensive Exam) will be conducted only if the candidate passed all courses offered in semester I and II.
8Comprehensive viva Comprehensive viva voice will be conducted after the successful passing of written preliminary exams. External examiner will be invited for comprehensive viva-voice. The composition of committee for comprehensive exam: All SAC members, HoD and external examiner.
The course completion certificate will be issued to the candidate only after successful completion of comprehensive viva-voice exam.


Course Curriculum of M.Tech. Programme in Food Process Engineering and Management:-


Course type Course Code Subject Name L T P Total Credits
CC FE 511 Engineering Properties of Food and Biomaterials 2 0 0 2
CC FE 512 Advances in Food Engineering I 3 0 0 3
CC FE 513 Process instrumentation and control 2 0 2 3
CC FE 514 Food Engineering Lab –I 0 0 2 1
CC FE 515 Food Engineering Lab – II 0 0 2 1
DSE/GE FE 558 Advanced Food Packaging 3 0 0 3
GE One elective course from other dept. to be selected by students 3 0 0 3
AECC FE 516 Credit Seminar 0 0 2 1
AECC FBM 512 Management Process and Organizational Behaviour 3 0 0 3
AECC FBM 512 Management Process and Organizational Behaviour 3 0 0 3
AECC FBM 514 Statistics and Business Analytics 3 0 2 4
SEC FBM 513 Entrepreneurship Development 2 0 0 2
Total 21 0 10 26


Course Code Course type Subject Name L T P Total Credit
CC FE 521 Advances in Food Engineering II 3 0 0 3
CC FE 522 Process Engineering of cereals, pulses and oilseeds 3 0 0 3
CC FE 523 Process Equipment Design 4 0 0 4
CC FE 524 Food Engineering Lab – III 0 0 2 1
CC FE 559 Fruits and Vegetable Process Engineering 3 0 0 3
AECC FBM 522 Food Plant Operations Management 3 0 0 3
AECC FE 525 Credit Seminar 0 0 2 1
AECC BAS 523 Research Methodology 1 0 0 1
AECC AES 605 Scientific and Technical Writing 1 0 0 1
GE AES 605 Elective Course recommended by another Dept. 2 0 0 2
SEC IDS 525 Advanced Digital Technologies in Food Industry 2 0 2 3
Total 22 0 6 25


Course Code Course type Subject Name L T P Credit Contact hours
MOOC MOOC-1 Title to be given by the Department 2 0 0 2
AECC* FE 531/532 Industry Project/Research Project 0 0 28 14
CC AES 500 Village Adoption Programme 0 8 4
Total 2 0 36 20


Course Code Course type Subject Name L T P Credit Contact hours
MOOC MOOC-2 Title to be given by the Department 3 0 0 3
AECC* FE 541 Research Project 0 0 28 14
Total 5 0 28 17


CC Core Course
DSE Discipline specific elective
AECC Ability enhancement compulsory course
SEC Skill enhancement course
CBCS Choice Based Credit System
GE Generic Elective (unrelated discipline/subject)
AECC Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
DSE Discipline Specific Elective
SEC Skill Enhancement Courses
OL/OE- Open Learning/Electives
PE Professional Electives