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Name: Dr. Vikas Saxena
Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Food Business Management
Contact No: 8607114499
Email: saksenavikas[at]hotmail[dot]com
Area of Interest/Specialization:
  1. Statistics/Quantitative Techniques
  2. Operations Research/Management Science
  3. Computer Programming
Degree NameSubject/Research AreaUniversity/CollegeYear
Ph.D. Statistics CCS University -
M.Sc. Statistics Meerut University -
MBA Operations SM University -
PGDCM Computers Computer Point (F) Learning Centre -
Degree/Designation NameSubject(s) Taught*University/CollegeYear
B.Tech. & M.Tech. Entrepreneurship Development, Production and Operations Management NIFTEM August 2013 onwards
PGDM & MBA Business Statistics, Operations Research, Management Science Institute of Tech. and Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad July 2010 to August 2013
MCA, PGDM, BBA & BCA Business Statistics, Operations Research, Quantitative Techniques Integrated Academy of Management & Tech., Ghaziabad July 2009 to June 2010
PGDM & MBA Business Statistics, Operations Research Sri Ram Institute of Management Tech., Greater Noida January 2009 to July 2009
PGDM Business Statistics, Operations Research Graduate School of Bus. & Adm, Sector Alpha 2, Greater Noida August 2007 to January 2009
Awards & Honours (if any):
  1. Received Star Performer Award during 2012 at Institute of Technology and Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
Major Publications (Last 5 years):
  1. Vikas Saxena, Twinkle Kumar Sachchan: "A study of Consumer behavior towards E-purchase of Food" Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovation Research(JETIR), ISSN(E)-2349-5162, Impact Factor; 5.87, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2019, Pages 7-16.
  2. Vikas Saxena, Sandip T. Gaikwad, Twinkle Kumar Sachchan and Shilpa B.Bansode: "Influence of Food Consumption Routine on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus". The Pharma Innovation Journal 2018, (ISSN(E): 2277-7695, ISSN(P):2349-8242, NAAS Rating:5.03, (TPI: 7-9-77), Pages 85-89. 
  3. Sandip T. Gaikwad, Vikas Saxena and Shilpa B.Bansode: "Need, Challenges and Impact of Digitalisation on Indian Agriculture and Food Sector". Journal of Management Research and Analysis (JMRA), ISSN:2394-2770, Impact Factor; 4.878, Volume 05 Issue 01, June 2018, Pages 51-59.
  4. Shanmukh Sagar K., Vikas Saxena, & Sapna Arora "Intra-Industry Trade and Revealed Comparative Advantage: Empirical Analysis of Indian & Australian Processed Food Sector" International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT:IJRHAL) ISSN(P):2347-4564;ISSN(E):2321-8878, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Mar 2018,Pages 125-138. 
  5. Shanmukh Sagar K., Vikas Saxena, & Sapna Arora "The Structure & Competitive Advantage of Indian Processed Food trade in the Global Market" International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) (IMPACT:2018 IJCRT) ISSN:2320-2882, Vol. 6, Issue 1, February 2018,Pages 331-340.
  6. Sandip T. Gaikwad, Vikas Saxena, Dinkar B. Kamble and Ashutosh Upadhyay: "Investigating consumer preference of college students about food for fasting", GE-International Journal of Management Research, ISSN(O): 2321-1709;ISSN(P):2394-4226, Impact Factor;5.779,Vol. 5, Issue 1, January 2017.
  7. Sandip T. Gaikwad, Pradnya Gaikwad and Vikas Saxena: "Principles of Fasting in Ayurveda", International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, ISSN(O) 2278-3687;ISSN(P):2277-663X, Impact Factor:6.03, Vol. 6, No 1, 2017, Pages 787 - 792. (Review Article)
  8. Sandip T. Gaikwad, Vikas Saxena, Dinkar B. Kamble and Ashutosh Upadhyay: "Assessment of microbial load of fasting foods available in street side, mid-level restaurants and high-level restaurants during Navratri", International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2319-7706, Impact Factor:0.378, Volume 6, No. 2 (2017), Pages 1484-1495. 
  9. Research paper titled “ Impact of Entrepreneurial Talent on the Survival & Growth of Small Scale Industries” authored by Mukesh Porwal and Dr. Vikas Saxena, in International Journal in Management and Economics for volume 1/issue 1/September 2012 (ISSN-2320-1010).
  10. Research paper titled “Development of Small Scale Industries in Urban Areas of Madhya Pradesh” authored by Mukesh Porwal and Dr. Vikas Saxena, in a book titled “Urbanization and Economic Development” (ISBN-81-902457-1-6).
  11. Research paper titled “A Two - Unit Parallel System with Dependent Failure Rates and Correlated Working and Rest Time of Repairman” authored by  S. C. Sharma, Rakesh Gupta & Dr. Vikas Saxena, in International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences (IJASS) for volume : 7/No 2/Jul - Dec, 2011.
  12. Research paper titled “ Excellence in Corporates with the Help of Knowledge Management” presented and published (by World Education) in Proceedings of National Seminar on Knowledge Management : Issues and Challenges (24th September, 2011) held at Integrated Academy of Management & Technology, Ghaziabad (ISBN 978-81-909873-2-5).
  13. Research paper titled “A Two Unit Standby System with Two Operative Modes of Priority Unit and Gamma Repair Time Distributions” authored by  S. C. Sharma, Rakesh Gupta & Dr. Vikas Saxena, in ISST Journal of Mathematics & Computing System (ISSN-0976-9048) volume 2/No 1/Jan - Jun, 2011.
International Experience(s)/Collaboration(s)/Consultancy:
  1. Associated with NIESBUD as a Trainer for various International Programmes.
Externally Funded Projects:


Patent(if any):


Books(if any):
  1. Co-author of a book for MCA, (UPTU) published by PRAGATI PRAKASHAN, Meerut.
  2. Co-author of a book for BCA, published by PRAGATI PRAKASHAN, Meerut.
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