
Research Notifications

Notification File Date
Call for inviting proposals for NIFTEM’s Seed Money Research Projects for 2021 Notification
Revised Guidelines for Undertaking
Research Guidelines
I4F Call For Proposal(CFP-7) 2021 Download 18-02-2021
UNDP Call for Proposal for Grants for India Rural Micro-Entrepreneurs Download 18-02-2021
Swarnajayanti Fellowship Scheme by the Government of India Download 16-02-2021
TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences Download 12-02-2021
India-Taiwan programme of cooperation in science & technology Download 12-02-2021
Call for Proposals under Start-up Research Grant (SRG) Download 12-02-2021
DST STI Policy Fellowship Program Download 10-02-2021
Call for proposals under the DBT Industry & Entrepreneurship Development Scheme Download 09-02-2021
Call for proposals under the DBT Industry & Entrepreneurship Development Scheme Download 08-02-2021
Department of Science and Technology - Netherlands Re-Launched 'Cleaning of Ganges and Agri Water' Download 25-11-2020
Grant in aid Scheme for Human Resource Development by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Download 24-11-2020
Summer Research Fellowship Program of Science Academics for Students and Teachers Download 23-11-2020
Indo- German Cooperation in Health Research Call 2020 Download 01-09-2020
India- Swiss Joint S&T Call 2020 Download 01-09-2020
Order regarding Contract Research Organization Download 26-08-2020
Notification for Inviting proposals from Member Universities/Institutions for Collaborative Research Studies Download 24-07-2020
Notification for B.Tech Research Project Viva Voce Download 20-07-2020
Revised list of Various Research Committee at NIFTEM Download 07-07-2020
Notification for inviting DST- Training Programme on Entrepreneurship Download 22-06-2020
Innovation Fund Scheme, Notice- 1/2020 Download 12-06-2020
Innovation Fund Scheme - Application Form Download 12-06-2020
Notification for inviting Research Proposals for funding by NIFTEM as seed money Notification Form 10-06-2020
India- Australia Joint S&T Call 2020 Download 10-06-2020
India- Serbia Joint S&T Call 2020 Download 04-06-2020
India-Portugal Joint S&T Call 2020 Download 03-06-2020
India- Slovenia Joint S&T Call 2020 Download 02-06-2020
Approved Research Guidelines Download 26-05-2020

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