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Research Status

List of Status Reports on various Products and Processes prepared by the M.Tech. students of NIFTEM

1. Design of Bulk Milk Cooler.
2. Mushroom processing : An overview.
3. Review of solar energy drying systems for agricultural products.
4. Fluidised Bed Drying - A review.
5. "Uses of ayurvedic herbs brahmi (Bacopa Monniera) as functional food ingredients in food industry".
6. Novel Food Processing Technologies.
7. A review on changes in freshness indices of sea foods during frozen storage.
8. Effect of osmotic dehydration on antioxidant and nutritional qualities of plums.
9. Recent Advances in Vacuum Drying.
10. Quality Changes in Fruits & Vegetables During Storage.
11. Properties of Spray Dried Juice Powder.
12. Advances in Fruit and Vegetable Processing.
13. Ohmic Heating System.
14. Industrial Drying of Fruits and Vegetables.
15. Industrial Drying of Paddy.
16. Status on Ginger Processing (Review and Prospects).
17. Modern storage structures for preservation of vegetables.
18. Microbiological risk assessment through predictive microbiology.
19. Quality & Safety Status of Milk ‘Khoya’ in India.
20. Nanotechnology and Food Safety.
21. Long term effects of genetically modified food.
22. Status of modern probiotic food industry vis-à-vis traditionally available probiotic foods in India.
23. Status of marine band food products in India and Abroad.
24. Dairy industry and the use of by products of this industry.
25. Status of Food Irradiation in India & Abroad.
26. Anti Nutritional Factors in Edible Oils.
27. Carcinogens in Commercial Food Products.
28. Surveillance system for outbreak of Food Borne Disease: Global Scenario- Outbreak due to Chemical agent.
29. Edible coating for extending shelf life of food items.
30. Mushroom production and consumption in India.
31. Status of Mentha Products in India.
32. Surveillance system for outbreak of Food Borne Disease: Global Scenario- Outbreak due to biological agent.
33. Biofilm in Food Industries.
34. Active & Intelligent Packaging.
35. UV Radiation for Food Processing.
36. Status report on processing and packaging of coconut water throughout the globe.
37. Status report on processing and consumption of frozen foods in India.
38. Status Report on Tamarind Processing.
39. “Probiotics and its Significance in India".
40. Safety and quality of commercially available herbal teas in Indian market.
41. SPF Eggs : Past, Present and Future.
42. Processing of Sugarcane Juice.
43. Anti-oxidant and nutraceutical activity of traditional Indian foods.
44. Use of edible coatings for enhancement of shelf life in various food products.
45. Status Report on Turmeric.
46. Status Report on Cucumber.
47. Status on Indian Traditional foods and its opportunity for food business and supply chain.
48. Status Report on Guava.
49. Utilizing the rejected and overproduced food items from food industry.
50. Traceability in Fresh Food Supply Chain.
51. Status Report on Mustard.
52. Status Report on Indian Black Pepper.
53. Status Report on Cashew.
54. Status Report on Goose Berry (Amla).
55. Status Report on Rice.
56. Status report on production and processing of Leh Berry.
57. Status of Aegle marmelos (wild fruit) in India.
58. Status Report on Minor Millets.
59. Status Report on Maize.
60. Status Report on Asafoetida (Hing).
61. Status of Tamarind and its Supply Chain.


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