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Year 2014

Dr. Rupesh Chavan R. S. Chavan, P. S. Prajapati, A. Jana and S. R. Chavan, (2014). Technology for manufacture of diabetic rosogolla. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. Volume : 54 (7), 863 - 868.
Dr. Komal Chauhan Komal Chauhan, Gauri Bajaj and Bhushan Chauhan, (2014). Ameliorative Potential of Gymnema Sylvestre on Hypergycaemia Mediated Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats. Trends in Biosciences (To be published in July, 2014).
Dr. Rakhi Singh Alok Jha, Arvind Kumar, Parul Jain, Hari Om, Rakhi Singh and D. S. Bunkar, (2014). Physico-chemical and sensory changes during storage of lal peda. Journal of Food science & Technology. Volume : 51 (6), 1173 - 1178.
Dr. Prarabdh C. Badgujar Gauri A. Chandratre, A. G. Telang, Prarabdh C. Badgujar, Sachin S. Raut, A. K. Sharma, (2014). Toxicopathological alterations induced by high dose dietary T-2 mycotoxin and its residue detection in wistar rats. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. DOI 10.1007/s00244-014-0006-x.

Prarabdh C. Badgujar, N. N. Pawar, A. G. Telang, N. P. Kurade, G. A. Chandratre, Mayur Kadve, (2014). Histopathological alterations induced by subacute fipronil toxicity in mice and its amelioration by combination of α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology. Volume : 38 (1), 29 - 32.


Year 2013

Dr. Ashutosh Upadhyay Anurag Singh, H. K. Sharma, Sanjay Kumar, Ashutosh Upadhyay, and K. P. Mishra, (2013). Comparative Effect of Crude and Commercial Enzyme on the Juice Recovery from Bael Fruit (Aegle marmelos Correa) Using Principal Component Analysis. International Journal of Food Science. Volume : 2013, Article ID 239839, 8 pages.
Dr. Rupesh Chavan Tanmay Nalwade, Rupesh S. Chavan, (2013). Automation in Food Processing Industries - An Overview. Beverage and Food World Journal. Volume : 40 (10), 25 - 29, 34.

Rupesh S. Chavan, C. K. Sunil and Shraddha R. Chavan, (2013). Novel Non-thermal Milk Processing - An overview. Beverage and Food World Journal. Volume : 40 (07), 25 - 28, 31.
Dr. Komal Chauhan Komal Chauhan and Bhushan Chauhan, (2013). A comparative study of Eustachian tube functions in normal and diseased ears with tympanometry and videonasopharyngoscopy. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Volume : 65 (Suppl 3) : 468 - 76.
Dr. Rakhi Singh Anuj Gautam, Alok Jha and Rakhi Singh, (2013). Sensory and textural properties of "Chhana Kheer" made with three artificial sweeteners. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. Volume : 66 (1), 109 - 118.
Dr. Prarabdh C. Badgujar Badgujar P. C., Jain S. K., Singh A., Punia J. S., Gupta R. P., G. A. Chandratre, (2013). Immunotoxic effects of imidacloprid following 28 days of oral exposure in BALB/c mice. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. Volume : 35 (3) : 408 - 418.


Year 2012

Dr. Ashutosh Upadhyay Rewar M., Sharma H. K., Singh C., Sarkar B. C., and A. Upadhyay, (2012). Effect of air velocity on the drying kinetics of Drumstick leaves (Moringa oleifera), International Journal of Food Engineering. DOI : 10.1515/1556-3758, 1986, October, 2012.

Nishu Singh, Alok Jha, Anand Chaudhary, Ashutosh Upadhyay, (2012). Enhancement of the functionality of bread by incorporation of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). Journal of Food Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-012-0731-yy.

Sharma H. K., Ingle S., Sarkar B. C., A. Upadhyay and A. Shitandi, (2012). Effect of Various Process Treatment Conditions on Allyl Isothiocyanate extraction from Mustard Meal. Journal of Food Science and Technology. Volume : 49 (3), 368 - 372.
Dr. Rupesh Chavan Anup Sharma, Atanu H. Jana, Rupesh S. Chavan, (2012). Functionality of Milk Powder as and Milk-Based Powders for End Use Applications - A Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Volume : 11 (5), 518 - 528.
Dr. Komal Chauhan Komal Chauhan, Vasudha Bansal, (2012). A time course study on the oxidative stability of heated vanaspati stored at different temperatures. Asian Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology Environment Science. Volume : 14 (1), 95 - 102.

Komal Chauhan, Sheel Sharma, Bhushan Chauhan, Kanika Rohatgi, (2012). Antihyperlipidemic antioxidative efficiecny of Catharanthus roseus Linn (Sadabahar) in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. Volume : 2 (1), 235 - 243.
Dr. Rakhi Singh Chandralekha Banerjee, Rakhi Singh and Alok Jha, (2012). Effect of inulin on textural and sensory characteristics of sorghum based high fibre biscuits using response surface methodology. Journal of Food science & Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13197-012-0810-0.
Dr. Prarabdh C. Badgujar Doltade S. A., Raut S., Badgujar P. C., Chandratre G., Kurade N. P., A. G. Telang, (2012). Haemato-biochemical and histopathological changes following sub-acute exposure to acetamiprid in male Wistar rats. Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology Volume : 36 (2) : 179 - 182.

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