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Year 2014

Dr. Manjeet Aggarwal Khandal Dhriti, Geetha Seshadhri, A. Manjeet, R. K. Khandal, “Water quality issues needing technological interventions. Sustainable availability for all ”Water and Health, DOI:10.1007/978-81-322-1029-0_20, Springer India, 2014.
Dr. Kalyan Das Kalyan Das, Nurul Huda Gazi, 2014. Role of Beneficial Bacteria on Contaminated Fluoride Drinking Water, International Journal of Non-Linear Phenomena in Complex System, "Education and Upbringing" Publishing Company, Minsk, Republic of Belarus (In Press).

Kalyan Das, K. Shiva Reddy, M. N. Srinivas, N. H. Gazi, 2014. Chaotic dynamics of a three species prey-predator competition model with noise in ecology, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computations, Volume : 231, pp. 117 - 133, Elsevier.

Prasenjit Das, Nurul Huda Gazi, Kalyan Das, 2014. Stability Analysis of Swine Flu Transmission. A Mathematical Approach, International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Biology , Volume : 3(1), pp. 1-5, Twaiwan, iConcept Press.

K. Shiva Reddy, M. N. Srinivas, Kalyan Das, N. H. Gazi, 2014. A study of stochastic effect on an ecological system with predation, commensalism, mutualism and neutralism, International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, I-ASR, Irvine, CA, USA.

K. Shiva Reddy, M. N. Srinivas, Kalyan Das, N. H. Gazi, 2014. Stochastic analysis with harvesting of a prey- predator model in food web dynamics, International Journal of Dynamical System and Differential Equation, Inder Science Publishers, Switzerland.
Mr. Kumar Rahul A Metrics Methodology for Predicting Reusable Suite Object in Component Based Software System, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Volume : 3, Issue 1, January - 2014.

Design of Transaction Management System in Component Based Software Model for Secured Object Transmission, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181, Volume : 3, Issue 5, May - 2014.
Dr. Neetu Kumra Taneja DevR (DosR) mimetic peptides impair transcriptional regulation and survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis under hypoxia by inhibiting the autokinase activity of DevS sensor kinase (BMC Microbiology, Accepted).


Year 2013

Dr. Kalyan Das Prasenjit Das, Debasis Mukherjee, Kalyan Das, 2013. Chaos in a Prey - Predator model with Infection in Predator - A Parameter Domain Analysis, International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Biology, Twaiwan, iConcept Press (In Press).

Kalyan Das, A. Sabarmathi, M. N. Srinivas, Nurul Huza Gazi, B. Rushi Kumar, 2013. Trophic cascades scenario of a detritus - based stage - structured model in marine ecology, International Journal of Non-linear Evolution Equations and Applications (JNEEA), USA (In Press).

A. Sabarmathi, Kalyan Das, M. N. Srinivas, Nurul Huza Gazi, B. Rushi Kumar, 2013. Eco-stage-structured model analysis to explore delay and stochastic effects on growth and maturation in plankton ecology, International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Biology, Volume :  3(1), pp. 1 - 5, Twaiwan, iConcept Press.

Kalyan Das, M. N. Srinivas, N. H. Gazi, 2013. Dynamical Complexity in a Mathematical Model of Tumor Growth with Stochastic Perturbation in the Cell Plorifiration Leading Chaotic Attractors, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, World Academic Press, UK (In Press).
Dr. Neetu Taneja Taneja N. K., Ganguly T., Bakaletz L. O., Nelson K. J., Dubey P., Poole L. B., Deora R. D - alanine Modification of a Protease - Susceptible Outer Membrane Component by the Bordetella pertussis dra Locus Promotes Resistance to Antimicrobial Peptides and PMN - mediated Killing J. Bacteriol, 2013. Nov : 195(22) : 5102 - 11.
Dr. Vijay Kumar Paper titled “Some New Results for a Two State Batch Departure Multiple Vacation Queueing Model”, American Journal of Operations Research (AJOR), 3 (2A): 26-33, 2013. (p-ISSN: 2324-6537; e - ISSN: 2324 - 6545).


Year (2012)

Dr. Manjeet Aggarwal Geeta Mathur, Sangeeta Sharma, Manjeet Aggarwal and R. K. Khandal, “Fortified Foods: Challenges & Opportunities” Food and Beverage News, May 1 - 15, (2012). Smita, Radhika Sharma, Manjeet Aggarwal and R. K. Khandal, Packaging Foods in India: Challenges & Opportunities, Food and Beverage News, April 1 - 15, (2012).

Rachna Joshi, Abhishek Chauhan, Pankaj Goel, Manjeet Aggarwal and R. K. Khandal, “Radiation processing technology: A boon for food processing sector”, Food and Beverage News, March 1 - 15, (2012).

Manjeet Aggarwal, R. K. Khandal. Quality of drugs and pharmaceuticals, Medical Buyer, 10, 2, February, (2012).
Dr. Kalyan Das Kalyan Das, M. N. Srinivas, M. A. S. Srinivas, N. H. Gazi, (2012). Chaotic dynamics of a three species Prey Predator Competition Model with Bionomic Harvesting due to delayed environmental noise as external driving force, ”International Journal of C. R. Biologies”, Volume : 335(8), pp. 503 - 513, Elsevier. ISSN: 1631 - 0691.

Prasenjit Das, Kalyan Das, Nurul Huda, Gazi A. Sabarmathi, (2012). ”Delayed Stochastic Disease Model, “International Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems”, Vol.4(4), pp. 28-42, i-asr, Irvine, CA, USA.

Prasenjit Das, Debasis Mukherjee, Kalyan Das, A. Sabarmathi, (2012). Fluctuating Role of Parameters in the Analysis of the Continuous and Discrete Version of a Susceptible-Incubated-Infected Model, International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application, Vol. 1,pp. 47 - 50, Scientific Research, USA.
Dr. Neetu Taneja Dhingra S.*, Kaur K.*, Taneja N. K.*, and Tyagi J. S. DevR (DosR) binding peptide inhibits adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis under hypoxia. FEMS Microbiol Lett. (2012) May; 330(1): 66-71 (*Equal Contribution).
Mr. Kumar Rahul Metric Extent for Component Based Software Products, Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science Engineering - EEC (2012), ISBN : 978-981-07-2950-9 & Seek Digital Library.


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