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Year 2016

Dr. Tripti Agrawal Singh, L., Varshney, J.G. and Agarwal, T. (2016) Polycyclicaromatichydrocarbons’ formation and occurrence in processedfood. Food Chemistry 199, 768-781

Year 2014

Dr. Neeraj Integrating rural entrepreneurship in Food Processing to mainstream economy. Green Business Magazine.
Dr. Tripti Agrawal Parmar, A., Nema, P. K. and Agarwal, T. (2014) Biochar production from agro-foodindustryresidues: asustainableapproach for soil and environmental management. Current Science 107 (10) 1673-1682

Year 2012

Dr. A. K. Dhawan Kumar S., Mangal M., Dhawan A. K., Singh N. Biotechnological advances in jojoba [Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider]: recent developments and prospects for further research. Plant Biotechnology Reports 6:97-106 Singh S. R., Dalal S.

Dhawan A. K., Rajwant K. Kalia. Seasonal Influence on In vitro bud break in Dendeocalamus hamiltoniiArn. Ex Munro nodal explants and effect of culture microenvironment on large scale shoot multiplication and plantlet regeneration. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17 : 9 - 21 Champa R. Chawla, S. Mangal, M. Mangal, A. K. Kajla.

Dhawan A. K. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn (Night Jasmine). A sacred ornamental plant with immense medicinal potential. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 11:427-435 Kumar S., Mangal S., Dhawan A. K., Singh N. Callus induction and plant regeneration from leaf extracts of jojoba [Simmonsida chinensis(link) Schnieder] Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 24 : 544 - 547.
Dr. Tripti Agrawal Gupta B., Kumar R., Rani M., Agarwal T. Dynamics of toxic heavy metal in different compartments of an urbanized closed aquatic system. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14 : 916 - 924.
Dr. Neeraj Human Capital Management in Food Processing Sector, Green Business Magazine.

Year 2011

Dr. Tripti Agrawal Agarwal, T., Bucheli, T.D. (2011) Adaptation, validation and application of the chemo-thermal oxidation method to quantify black carbon in soils. Environmental Pollution 159: 532-538.

Agarwal, T., Bucheli, T.D. (2011) Is black carbon a better predictor of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon distribution in soils than total organic carbon? Environmental Pollution 159: 64-70.

Bogdal, C., Bucheli, T.D., Agarwal, T., Anselmetti, F.S., Blum, F., Hungerbühler, K., Kohler, M., Schmid, P., Scheringer, M., and Sobek, A. (2011) Contrasting temporal trends and relationshipsof total organic carbon, black carbon, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural low-altitude and remote high-altitude lakes. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13:1316-1326.

Schuster, J.K., Gioia, R., Moeckel, C., Agarwal, T., Bucheli, T.D., Breivik, K., Steinnes, E. and Jones, K.C. (2011) Has the burden and distribution of PCBs and PBDEs changed in European background soils between 1998 and 2008? Implications for sources and processes. Environmental Science & Technology 45(17): 7291 - 7297

Year 2009

Dr. Tripti Agrawal Agarwal, T. (2009) Concentration level, pattern and toxic potential of PAHs in traffic soil of Delhi, India. Journal of Hazardous Material 171:894-900.

Agarwal, T., Khillare, P.S., Shridhar, V. and Ray, S. (2009) Pattern, sources and toxic potential of PAHs in the agricultural soils of Delhi, India. Journal of Hazardous Material 163: 1033-1039.

Year 2006

Dr. Tripti Agrawal Agarwal, T., Khillare, P.S., and Shridhar, V. (2006) PAHs contamination in bank sediment of the Yamuna River, Delhi, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 123: 151–166.

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