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IGNOU Programmes

NIFTEM Kundli has one of the study centres for Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for various UG & PG degrees and Diploma programs in the areas of Food Processing and Food Safety:

UG Level

  1. Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetable (DVAPFV)
  2. Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT)
  3. Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT)
  4. Diploma in Production of Value Added Products from Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds (DPVCPO)
  5. Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT)

PG Level

  1. PG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM)
  2. Master of Science in Dietetics and Food Safety Management (MSCDFSM)


For Complete Program Details Click Here.


Note: 50% Fee Concession was given for rural candidates and BPL urban candidates and 100% fee concession for all SC/ST candidates only for all the five diploma programmes except PGDFSQM. Under is under process for its establishment.


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