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Funded Projects

Ongoing- Externally Funded Projects

S.No Title of the project Funding Agency Cost of the Project (In lacs) PI and Co-PI Date of Award
1 Evaluation of anti-biofilm, anti-microbial property of natural compounds against food borne pathogens SERB/DST 34.31 Dr. Neetu Taneja 2015-16
2 Development of riboflavin enriched probiotic fermented product to mitigate riboflavin deficiency in India and South African children DST (Under IndoSouth Africa Bilateral Cooperation) 32.11 Dr. Vijendra Mishra 2016-17
3 Assessment of Physico-chemical and nutritional characteristics of underutilized millets (Kodo & Kutki) and development of value added products Tribal Development Affairs, Govt of M.P, Bhopal 105.58 Dr. Komal Chauhan / Dr. Manjeet Aggarwal/ Dr. Neetu Taneja 2017-18
4 Preparation, characterization and evaluation of encapsulated eggplant peel extract in Edible Oil MOFPI 31.46 Dr.Bhaswati Bhattracharya / Dr. Chakarvathi / Dr. Tripti Aggarwal 2017-18
5 Social Entrepreneurship: Impact Assessment ICSSR 10 Dr. R Prasanth Kumar 2018-19
6 Synthesis and evaluation of alginate-chitosan microcapsules for targeted delivery of vitamin B12 producing probiotic strain: in vitro and in vivo approach Department of Science and Technology (DST) 32.15 Dr. Vijendra Mishra 2018-19
7 Development of Instant probiotic fruit juice powder MOFPI 25.70 Dr. Vijendra Mishra 2018-19
8 Strengthening Sustainable energy COE in Ethiopia DST 40.69 Dr. Ashutosh Upadhyay 2018-19
9 Effect of thermal processing on proximate composition and antioxidant activity in Indian edible brown seaweed sargassum wightii and development of nutraceuticals and functional food from it MOFPI 35.86 Dr. Prarabdh Badgujar 2018-19
10 Development of protocol for reduction of acrylamide leaves in selected potato based snack foods MOFPI 25.40 Dr. Chakkaravarthi S. 2018-19
11 Designing Entrepreneurial Policy Framework for Smart Eco-Social Villages Development. ICSSR 5.0 Dr. Tribhuvan Nath 2019-20
12 Generation of occurrence data on heavy metals for chocolates and cocoa products. FSSAI 36.8 Dr. Ashutosh Updhyay & Dr. Neela Emanuel 2020-21
13 Development of ready to cook (RTC) food product through selective fermentation of biofortified and non-fortified Pearl Millet varieties for enhancing bioavailability of micronutrients DST (Haryana) 20.0 Dr. Prarabdh Badgujar 2021-23
14 Innovative Indigenous Technology Development for Comprehensive Valorization of waste from citrus Fruit Processing Industries MOFPI 51.04 Dr. Anupama Singh 2021-23
15 Development of Blockchain-based Traceability Solution for Agri-Food Supply Chains MOFPI 18.73 Dr. Anupama Panghal 2021-23
16 Use of non-toxic nano-formulations for prolonging shelf life and reduction of postharvest loss of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata) of North East India DBT's NER Citrus Programme 293.27 Prof Ashutosh Updhyay 2021-24


Ongoing- Internally Funded Projects by NIFTEM

S.No Title of the project Cost of the Project (In lacs) PI and Co-PI Date of Award
1 Performance of Small and Medium Sized Agri and Food Business Enterprises: Evidence from Emerging Economies 3.25 Dr. R Prasanth Kumar (PI), Dr. Anupama Panghal & Dr.Sapna Arora(Co-PIs) 2019-20
2 Exploring determinants of organizational effectiveness: An exploratory survey based research in Uttarakhand state of India 1.0 Dr. Nagendra Singh Nehra & Dr. Vimal Pant 2020/21
3 Development of local food entrepreneurship and value chain model 2.04 Dr. Anupama Panghal & Dr. Shweta Dahiya 2020/21
4 Development of cereal/millet based functional food for adolescent children 2.0 Dr. Rakhi Singh; Er. S. Thangalakshmi & Dr. Barjinder Pal 2020/21
5 To develop an android mobile application based on artificial intelligence (AI) for citizens to check freshness of fruits before purchase 4.0 Dr. Vijay Kumar & Er. Kumar Rahul 2020/21
6 Development & performance evaluation of evacuated tubes solar collector based hybrid drying system 4.18 Dr. Vinkel Arora & Dr. P.K. Nema 2020/21
7 Exploration of Challenges in Blockchain Based Smart Agro-Warehousing and Conceptual Framework For Implementing. 1.01 Dr. Aman Dua 2020-21
8 Development of Strategic Business Plan for MSMEs Up-gradation (With special reference to Consumer Food Units in Delhi NCR) 1.15 Dr. Sarika Yadav/Dr. R. Prasantha Kumar 2020-21
9 Post Harvest disease Control of Tomato using Secondary Metabolites Produced by Endophytic Actinobacteria 3.50 Dr. Bhim Pratap Singh/Dr. Shekhar Agnihotri 2020-21
10 SMEs Innovations – Barriers and Enablers: A Study with special reference to Sonipat District, Haryana 1.00 Dr. Sapna 2020-21
11 Nano-zinc based micronutrient delivery system and its impact on post harvest quality and extending shelf life of Tomato 4.00 Dr. Shekhar Agnihotri/Dr. Bhim Pratap Singh 2020-21
12 Development of Indian perilla seed (Perilla frutescens) oil meal based proteins and their incorporation in cereals based food products. 1.70 Dr. Rajni Chopra/Dr. Rakhi Singh/Dr. Shruti Shukla 2020-21
13 Design, Development and performance evaluation of a mechanical pulper-juicer for bael (Aegle Marmelos) fruit 3.10 Dr. Prasanna Kumar G.V. 2020-21
14 Process Technology Optimization for Formulation of Nutri Flakes for Supporting Quality Diet for Malnourished Children and Diabetics 1.50 Dr. Anupama Singh/Dr. Komal Chauhan/Dr. Rahul S Mor 2020-21


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