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FDP 2020

International Online Faculty Development Programme
"Green perspectives in Food Processing Sectors"
5th October 2020 to 21th October 2020

(Jointly organised by Department of Food Engineering and Department of Food Science and Technology)
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Keynote Speaker:

Brochure Download
Step-1: Endorsement form
(The registering participants are required to get endorsement form duly signed by their respective Head of Department and upload scanned copy in .pdf format in registration form available in Step-3)
Step-2: Payment of Rs.700/- (non-refundable) using SBI Collect payment link and retain Unique Transaction Number i.e. UTR Number. Direction for payment can be followed as given in link.
(UTR number is required to be submitted in registration form available in Step-3 )
Pay Here
Step-3: Registration Form
(Registering Participants are requested to ensure duly signed endorsement form (Step-1) and SBI Collect UTR Number (Step-2) before filling-up registration form)
Register Here
Information for Registered Participants
FDP Recorded Sessions View
Guidelines for writing book/compendium chapter Download
Inaugural Programme Download
List of Speakers and their topics Download
Daily Session Schedule Download
Assignment Coming Soon
Quiz Coming Soon

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