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S.No Year Title of Invention Contributor IPR No. Status
1 2017-18 Co-precipitation synthesis of economical layered silver-iron oxides nanocomposites for rapid killing of bacterial pathogens Dr. Divya Sachdev
Dr. Neetu Kumra Taneja
201611011082 Domestic


Under Process

S.No Year Title of Invention Contributor IPR No. Status
1 2018-19 Domestic refrigerator Linus Dr. Vinkel Arora
Sunil Kumar
Vaibhav Garg
IN201711039163 Domestic
2 2018-19 Design & fabrication of low-cost meat storage structure for local vendors to ensure quality meat Dr. Prarabdh C Badgujar
Sanjaupu Narzary
IN201711039976 Domestic
3 2018-19 New method for preservation of sugar Dr. Ashutosh Upadhyay
Gautam Kohli
Gaurav Jain
Shardul Dabir
Dr. Anit Kumar
Akshay Bisht
IN201711039096 Domestic
4 2018-19 Coconut water extractor Dr. Vinkel Arora
Ravikant Yadav
Anupam Tiwari
Dr. Pitam Chandra
IN201711039165 Domestic
5 2018-19 Apparatus for dispensing and frying semi-solid batter globules Dr. Vinkel Arora
Jivan Jadhav
Dr. P. K. Nema
IN201711039164 Domestic
6 2019-20 Nanoparticles based label-free sensor development for L-Lactate, Lactic Acid and Polylactic acid (PLA) detection Dr. P. Murali Krishna
Gurdeep Rattu
T.I.(17)/TIFA/2019 Domestic (applied from TIFAC,DST)
7 2019-20 Biologically derived fluorescent functional nanoprobe as universal stain for gram negative bacteria and cryoextender for sperm protection Dr. Divya Sachdev
Akshay Bisht
Dr. Neetu K. Taneja
Dr. Renu Pasricha
Dr J.S.Rana
202011010076 ( provisionally) Domestic
8 2020-21 Sodium caseinate based edible coating and process thereof for improving Indian traditional dairy sweets quality Dr Prarabdh Chandrakant Badgujar
Ms. Neha Mahto
Ms. Harshika Aggarwa
l202111002369 Domestic
9 2020-21 Carboxymethyl cellulose based edible coating and process thereof for reducing oil/fat in Indian traditional snacks Dr Prarabdh Chandrakant Badgujar
Mr. Chaitya Jain
202111002403 Domestic
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