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Physics Lab

Main Equipments

  • Spectrometer
  • Sodium Vapour Lamp, Transformer & Lamp Assembly
  • Travelling Microscope
  • Laurentz Half Shade 200mm Tube - Polarimeter
  • Diffraction Grating - 15000 LPI
  • He - Ne Laser Source - 632nm
  • Optic Scale, Stand and Screen
  • Mercury Vapour Lamp
  • Prism
  • Piezoelectric Crystal - Ultrasonic Generator
  • RF Oscillator
  • Ultrasonic Diffractometer
  • LCR Meter
  • Digital Gauss Meter
  • Constant Current Source
  • Power Supply - HEF
  • Electromagnet with P - Type Semiconductor Crystal
  • Planck Constant Apparatus
  • Solar Panel for I - V Characteristics
  • Dial Resistance Boxes
  • CRT, Graduated
  • Deflection Magnetometer Compass
  • E/M by Thompsons Method
  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
  • Digital Gauss Meter
  • Constant Current Source
  • Planck Constant Apparatus - LED Method
  • Four Probe Setup – Resistivity Determination
  • Oven - 600 degC
  • Solar Panel with Connection Board
  • Weighing Balance

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