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Simulation Lab

Research analysis manifests clear trends of rising interest of the Management Science students towards E-learning. To go on with this trend as well as the pace with the rapid advancement of usage of software and simulation, the "Simulation Lab" has been developed.

This lab attempts to provide experiential learning of concepts to the students on a wide range of Statistical, Accounting, Financial Management, Marketing Research, ERP Software which will cover various subjects needs including Research Methods, Management Science and Modelling, Simulation Modelling, Total Quality Management, Production and Operations Management, Requirements analysis, and ERP Modelling. Ample illustrations and simulations are used to reinforce one's understanding. Once the concepts are clear, a set of exercises given on the concerned topics would help the students to evaluate themselves and their progress of learning.

Apart from this, the Simulation Lab will also enable the students to have a ‘Virtual’ experience of real life situation on the subject thereby making the subjects interesting and exciting for the students where learning and fun can go alongside.

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