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NIFTEM aims to be a world class apex institute and a pioneer in creating a center for integrated research, education, enterprise incubation and outreach in the area of food science and technology.

NIFTEM believes that success of an institution hinges primarily on its ability to nurture talent and unlock potential of people. NIFTEM considers academic and non-academic staff as partners in our collaborative endeavour to realize the institute vision.

We believe that an institute is as good as its people. To ensure our people are the repository of best talent, we create opportunities for continuous learning and self-development through training on various latest cutting edge skills in the food science and technology domain.

At NIFTEM, to simply state that people are our biggest asset is not adequate - we believe they are the drivers of our growth and the real reason for our success.
The power of this capital is reflected in everything we do, whether it is improving process efficiencies, initiating new ideas for sustainable growth or improving stakeholder’s value.

Our team comprises experienced, highly - motivated and skilled personnel from various disciplines and diverse backgrounds that blend into a common work ethos that fosters excellence and continuous growth.

This culture is backed up and reinforced by our people policies and practices which are forward looking and aligns to our vision and values framework.

This is what NIFTEM family members have to say about their organisation: "A platform that has given a smile on employees faces and dreams in their eyes; a platform where their individual goals are coherent with the vision of  NIFTEM."

Being a part of NIFTEM will take you to a whole new arena.

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