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Research Activity

Research activities at NIFTEM:

  • The institute has established a ‘Research Cell’ for starting research activities in the relevant areas of food technology entrepreneurship & management.
  • The priority areas of research are identified as given below.

NIFTEM`s priority areas of research:

  1. Novel food processing technologies
  2. Nutraceutical and health foods.
  3. Nano-Science in food preservation and food quality.
  4. Development of value added food products.
  5. Role of microorganisms in food chain in transfer of antibiotic resistance.
  6. Study of microbiological status of food in different parts of the country (to be developed as network project).
  7. Food structure and functionality
  8. Basic bioscience underpinning health.
  9. Food waste and by–product utilizations.
  10. Food safety and traceability.
  11. Food bio-technology.
  12. Design, modeling, and simulation of food processes.
  13. Food supply chain and retail management.
  14. Harmonization of standards.
  15. Regulatory and policy research for food safety.
  16. Risk identification, assessment and characterization.

Criteria of Undertaking Research Projects at NIFTEM

The following criteria is adopted in the selection of Projects for research:

  • Innovative in nature.
  • Usefulness to the present problems being faced by the food industry.
  • Able to do some public good.

In order to begin research activities at NIFTEM, it was decided to provide the internal funding to research projects so that in-house faculty members could start research immediately. In pursuance of this decision, proposals were invited from in-house faculty members which were scrutinized and discussed in detail. Based on the above criteria, following projects were shortlisted for research by the in-house faculty through internal funding. The shortlisted research proposals are also being shared with outside experts in the relevant areas for the purpose of getting their inputs & making the undertaken research projects more meaningful.

S. No. Title of the Research Project Principal Investigator Designation
1.        Biochar from food industry waste. Dr. Tripti Agarwal Assistant Professor
2.        Interpretation of mixed milk (buffalo and cow) coagulation process and assessment of the product quality. Dr. Santanu Basu Associate Professor
3.        Development and storage of fortified food products with cereal grasses and evaluation of their therapeutic characteristics. Dr. Komal Chauhan Assistant Professor
4.        Natural antimicrobial film for preservation of fresh produce: Starch-protein film with antimicrobial agents from nature. Dr. Vijendra Mishra Associate Professor
5.        Development of safe fruit & vegetable products retaining higher nutrients using High Pressure Processing. Dr. P. K. Nema Associate Professor
6.        Effect of micro fluidization on the quality of fruit flavoured & low fat yoghurt. Dr. Rupesh Chavan Assistant Professor
7.        Studies on quality & effect on frying on constituents of street fried foods available in and around Delhi. Dr. Chakkaravarthi Sarvanan Assistant Professor

 During the same time the institute has received a research project from an external agency, i.e. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in collaboration with NDRI, Karnal, as mentioned below:

Project Title Funding Agency Cost of the Project Duration of the Project
Antibiotic resistance in lactobacilli of food and faecal origin: Detection of genes, influence of stress and horizontal transfer. ICMR, New Delhi Rs. 31 lakh 3 Years

In addition to above 22 Internally funded research projects are in pipe-line.

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