Home  Pilot Plants

In order to cater to the needs of the Food Industry (Large Scale, Medium, Small & Micro Scale Enterprises) NIFTEM is in the process of setting up four Pilot Plants within its campus covering the following sectors:

Objectives of Pilot Plants

All the above five Pilot Plants to be set up at NIFTEM would meet the following objectives:

  • Serve as Business Incubation Centre for the existing food industries as well as the budding entrepreneurs from both large scale industries as well as medium, small and micro enterprises to incubate their ideas and also to facilitate in providing ‘Hands on Training’ to students, progressive farmers as well as the potential entrepreneurs.
  • Provide a vital source for food companies that are just starting up or evaluating new process or product lines.
  • Provide processing vessels, product and process lines of varying capacities to cater to the needs of the different sectors of the food industry (large, medium, small and micro enterprises).
  • Provide Research facilities to the food industry for development of novel and innovative products and processes and modification of existing products and processes.
  • To make available the facilities for the evaluation of new ingredients, formulations, and processes on a small and medium scale production and demonstration.
  • The efforts would be towards developing new technologies and ultimately to commercialize them.

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