Personal Information

Dr. Vijay Kumar Gahlawat Dr. Vijay Kumar Gahlawat Designation : Associate Professor +91-130-2281250
  1. Statistics
  2. Operational Research – Queueing Theory
  1. University Research scholarship from 2003 to 2007 from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
  2. Village Adoption Program Awards (My mentee students group have won the following prizes).
    1. VAP-III (30/6/2013 to 09/07/2013) 5th position.
    2. VAP-7 (17/9/2014 to 26/09/2014) 3rd position.
  1. Priyanka Roy, Poojal Chhirang, Vijay Kumar Gahlawat (2023). Comparative Study of the Effect of Temperature and pH on the Growth of Bio-flavor Producing Microorganisms Kluyveromyces marxianusand Ceratocystis fimbriata. Sciene Letters, 11(1):1-5.
  2. Priyanka Roy, Vijay K. Gahlawat, Chakkaravarthi Saravanan, Bhim P. Singh (2022). Enhancing bioflavor production by solid-state fermentation using Kluyveromyces marxianusand l-phenylalanine. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 75-91/1-17.
  3. Khurshid Wani, Atif & Roy, Priyanka & Kumar, Vijay & Mir, Tahir-Ul Gani. (2022). Metagenomics and artificial intelligence in the context of human health. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 100. 105267. 10.1016/j.meegid.2022.105267.
  4. Sadhan Jyoti Dutta, Gourav Chakraborty, Vineet Chauhan, Lochan Singh, Vijay Singh Sharanagat, Vijay Kumar Gahlawat (2022). Development of a predictive model for determination of urea in milk using silver nanoparticles and UV–Vis spectroscopy, LWT, Volume 168, 2022, 113893, ISSN 0023-6438.
  5. Malik, M.; Gahlawat, V.K.; Mor, R.S.; Dahiya, V.; Yadav, M. Application of Optimization Techniques in the Dairy Supply Chain: A Systematic Review. Logistics 2022, 6, 74. 10.3390/logistics6040074
  6. Das, K., Rahman, M., Srinivas, M., Das, A., Kumar, V. (2022). Analysis of thunderstorms in Bangladesh using ARIMA model. International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 13(1), 2897-2909.
  7. Gahlawat, V. K., Indra., Rahul, K., Mor, R. S., & Malik, M. (2021). A Two State Time-Dependent Bulk Queue Model with Intermittently Available Server. Reliability: Theory & Applications, 16, 2(64), 114-122, ISSN: 1932-2321.
  8. Sharma, S.; Gahlawat, V.K.; Rahul, K.; Mor, R.S.; Malik, M. Sustainable Innovations in the Food Industry through Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. Logistics 2021, 5, 66. 10.3390/logistics5040066
  9. Sid, S., Mor, R. S., Panghal, A., Kumar, D., & Gahlawat, V. K. (2021). Agri-food supply chain and disruptions due to COVID-19: Effects and Strategies. Brazilian Journal of Operations & ProductionManagement, 18(2).
  10. Suhag, R., Dhiman, A., Deswal, G., Thakur, D., Sharanagat, V.S., Kumar, K., Kumar, V., Microwave processing: A way to reduce the anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) in food grains, LWT – Food Science and Technology (2021), doi:
  11. Priyanka Roy & Vijay Kumar (2019). Production of Bioflavour from Microbial Sources and its health benefits, Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics (IJBB), Vol. 56, October 2019, pp. 352-357.
  12. KS Srikanth, Vijay Singh Sarnagat, Yogesh Kumar, Ria Bhadra, Lochan Singh, Prabhat K. Nema & Vijay Kumar (2019). Convective drying and quality of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius), LWT-Food Science and Technology, Vol. 99, Jan 2019, pp. 8-16.
  13. Priyanka and Vijay Kumar (2018). Functional Food: Probiotic as Health Booster, Journal of Food, Nutrition and Population Health, Vol.2, No.2:12, 2018.
  14. Vijay Kumar, Akshay Bisht and Kumar Rahul (2018). Development of Cost Effective Nutritive Diet for Children using Linear Programming Problem, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.-6, Issue-5.
  15. Gaurav Aggarval, Vijay Kumar & Vijay K Gahlawat (2014). Application of LPP to Identify Optimal Production Mix in Ready to Eat snacks factory, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 3.
  16. Vijay Kumar & Indra (2013). Some New Results for a Two State Batch Departure Multiple Vacation Queueing model, American Journal of Operational Research (AJOR), 3 (2A): 26-33.
  17. Vijay Kumar and Indra (2010). A Two-State Markovian Queueing Model with Arrivals in Batches of Variable Size”, Int. J. Eng. Sc. & Mgmt., Vol.II, Issue-1.
  18. Vijay Kumar and Indra (2010). Transient analysis for a two-state bulk arrival queuing system with bulk departure” is published in International journal of Operations Research and Optimization, 1, No. 1, pp.190-203.
  19. Vijay Kumar (2010). Bulk Queueing Models, GYANPRATHA (Accman Journal of Management Science), Vol. 2, Issue No. 2.
  20. Indra and Vijay Kumar (2010). Analysis of a two-dimensional bulk arrival queueing model with exhaustive and non-exhaustive service policy, Arya Bhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 1.
  21. Indra and Vijay Kumar (2008). Transient solution of a two-state Markovian queueing model with intermittently available server and arrivals in batches of variable size” in the International journal of Agriculture and Statistical Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 97-106.

Books/Book Chapters:

  1. Fermentation of Gooseberry Juice and Analysis of its Physico-Chemical and Functional Properties” published by Blue Rose Publishers, May 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-87923-97-3).
  2. Two-State bulk queueing models with multiple vacations” published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2011-12 (ISBN: 978-3-8443-8733-9).
  3. Mohit Malik, Vijay Kumar Gahlawat, Rahul S Mor, Kumar Rahul, Shekhar Agnihotri, Anupama Panghal, Neela Emanual (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Food Processing Industry. In: Kamble, S.S., Mor, R.S., Belhadi, A. (eds) Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Supply Chain Performance. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham.
  4. Twinkle Moolchandani, Sarika Yadav, Vijay Kumar Gahlawat (2022). Revamping the corporate business models amid COVID-19: A way forward. System Reboot: The life After COVID, edited book, chapter 23, pp 163-194. ISBN: 978-81-954790-5-4.
  5. Rahul, K., Banyal, R.K., Kumar, V., Hooda, D. (2022). Cloud Computing: Technological Innovations in the Food Industry. In: Mor, R.S., Kamble, S.S., Sangwan, K.S. (eds) Operations and Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
  6. Rahul K., Banyal R.K., Goswami P., Kumar V. (2020) Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data Analytics. In: Singh V., Asari V., Kumar S., Patel R. (eds) Computational Methods and Data Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1227. Springer, Singapore.
  7. Priyanka Roy, Intelli Kaur, Simranjeet Singh and Vijay Kumar (2019). Beneficial microbes as an alternative of food flavour ingredients for achieving the sustainability, is published in Microbial Biotechnology: Basic research and applications (ISBN 978-981-15-2817-0) (Book Chapter-4) Springer Publisher (ULR:
  8. Indra and Vijay Kumar (2005). A two-state queueing model with intermittent available server and departures in batches of variable size, is published in Vision 2020: the Strategic Role of Operational Research, Allied publishers, pp.222-232, 2005. Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.. (ISBN: 81-8424-108-9) (Edited Book Chapter – OPSERARCH)

1. Qualification

# Degree Name Subject University/College Year
1 Ph.D. Statistics Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra 2009
2 MBA Operations Management Directorate of Distance Education, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak 2012
3 M.Sc Statistics Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra 2003

2. Experience

# Designation University/College Duration
1 Assistant Professor NIFTEM 2012 - Present
2 Assistant Professor Sharda University, Greater Noida, UP 2008 - 2012
3 Assistant Professor HBS, Greater Noida 2008
4 Teaching Associate University College Kurukshetra University 2008
5 University Research Scholar (URS) Deptt. of Stat. & O.R., Kurukshetra University, Kuruksehtra 2004 - 2007

International Experience(s)/Collaboration(s)/Counsultancy:

International Exposure:

  • Attended two-week 2017 summer school in Computational Biology at University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Between Sept 04-14 2017.

Editor / Referee / Reviewer of International and National Journals

  1. Reviewer for British Food Journal- 2022
  2. Managing Editor of Special Issue on “Managing supply chain and logistics systems in COVID-19 situation” for the International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (IJSOM) 2020-21.
  3. Reviewer for International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks (ICAN2020).
  4. Reviewer for — INDER SCIENCE Journal — Int. J. of Indian Culture and Business Management. 2019
  5. Reviewer for  — Springer Journal — Computational Statistics -2014
  6. Reviewer for – Elsevier Journal — Applied Mathematics and Computation -2014

Externally Funded Projects:

S. No.

Title of Project

Whether PI or Co PI

Funding Agency

Starting and Completion date

Present Status


To develop an android mobile application based on artificial intelligence (ai) for citizens to check freshness of fruits before purchase (04 Lacs)



July 2020 to January 2022





Scheme for Promoting Interest, Creativity and Ethics among students (SPICES) (1 lacs

Co-PI with Dr Bhim P Singh


