The unique curriculum delivers a transformational experience for MBA students. There are a total of 20 mandatory courses in MBA, which spread over four semesters. From Semester III, the program offers a range of over 30 electives, out of which at least 5 in each of III & IV Semester, need to be selected the flexibility ensuring that a student never makes a compromise with his desired area of pursuit.


Semester – I Semester – II
Code Course Name L P T Code Course Name L P T
MBA-101 Management Process and Practices 3 MBA-201 Marketing Management 3
MBA-102 Quantitative Techniques 4 MBA-202 Financial Management 3
MBA-103 Managerial Economics 3 MBA-203 International Business Management 4
MBA-104 Financial Accounting 3 MBA-204 Production, Operations and Inventory Management 4
MBA-105 Business Communication & Negotiation Skills 4 MBA-205 Business Research Methods 3
MBA-106 Management of Information System & Application of Software 4 MBA-206 Operations Research 4
MBA-107 Organizational Behaviour 3 MBA-207 Food and Agribusiness Environment & Policy 4
Total Seven(7) 24 0 0 Total Seven(7) 25 0 0
Semester – III* Semester – IV*
Code Course Name L P T Code Course Name L P T
MBA-301 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 MBA-401 Corporate Strategy 3
MBA-302 Human Resource Management 3 MBA-402 Corporate Governance 3
MBA-303 Business Ethics & Human Values 3 MBA-403 Research Project 8
MBA-304 Summer Internship Project, Presentation & Viva-Voce 8 Viva-Voce
Five Professional Elective 5X3 Five Professional Electives 5X3
GE AES VAP Village Adoption 4
Total Ten (10) 24 0 12 Seven (7) 21 0 8

In addition, a student is required to choose a combination of total 5 professional electives (on the pattern of 2+3 or 3+2) from both dual specializations subjects in each 3rd& 4th semester. For example, if a student select 2 PE from the compulsory specialization FABM (Food & Agri-Business Management) and 3 PE from Marketing (if select Marketing as second specialization) in 3rd semester then in the next 4th semester he/she will have to choose 3 PE from FABM and 2 PE from Marketing. (Total Course Credits including both years approx= 104)


Compulsory: Food & Agri-Business Management Optional-1: Marketing
Code Course Name L P T Code Course Name L P T
FABM E-1 Food Supply Chain Management 3 MKT E-1 Sales Management 3
FABM E-2 Food Technology and Processing Management 3 MKT E-2 Digital Marketing 3
FABM E-3 Management of Agricultural Input Marketing 3 MKT E-3 Advertising Management 3
FABM E-4 Seed Production Technology and Management 3 MKT E-4 Brand Management 3
FABM E-5 Management of Agro-Chemical Industry 3 MKT E-5 Retailing Management 3
FABM E-6 International Trade in Agri-Food Products 3 MKT E-6 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) 3
FABM E-7 Entrepreneurship Development in Food Processing 3 MKT E-7 Marketing Channels 3
FABM E-8 Rural Marketing 3 MKT E-8 Services Marketing 3
FABM E-9 Agricultural Finance 3 MKT E-9 Consumer Behaviour 3
FABM E-11 Management of Contract Farming 3
FABM E-12 Cooperative Management 3
FABM E-13 ICT in Agri and Food Industries 3
Optional-2: Finance Optional-3: International Business
Code Course Name L P T Code Course Name L P T
FIN E-1 Security Analysis and Investment Management 3 IB E-1 International Business Environment 3
FIN E-2 Management of Financial Services 3 IB E-2 International Trade and Policy Framework 3
FIN E-3 Bank Management & Insurance 3 IB E-3 International Financial System 3
FIN E-4 Carbon Finance 3 IB E-4 International Trade Practices, Procedures & Documentation 3
FIN E-5 International Financial Management 3 IB E-5 International Supply Chain Management and Logistics 3
FIN E-6 Corporate Taxation 3 IB E-6 International Advertising and Brand Management 3
FIN E-7 Financial Derivatives 3 IB E-7 International Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour 3
FIN E-8 Risk Management and Insurance 3
FIN E-9 Mergers and Acquisitions 3

* Minimum strength is required to opt a subject