In an innovative approach to achieving excellence in academics, NIFTEM orga- nizes one of its flagship programmes i.e., International Students Exchange Pro- gramme by sending its meritorious undergraduate and postgraduate students to different universities of world repute. Undergraduate students are exposed to the best of teaching environment and research facilities in those universities. Postgraduate students, apart from this, are also exposed to the most advance research that is being undertaken in the area of food science and technology by active participation. Thus international student exchange programme actually helps students to broaden their horizon of knowledg.
M.Tech Students who visited Abroad 2013-2014
Photograph of First Year M. Tech Students Visit to IFSH

M. Tech students who visited to Kansas State University (KSU), USA.

M.Tech Students who visited Abroad 2012-2013
In the academic year 2012-2013, students from NIFTEM visited the University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL), USA, Kansas State University (KSU), USA, and the University of Saskatchewan (USC), Canada. Based on the student’s academic performance eight B. Tech first year and three M. Tech. first-year students of different disciplines visited UNL for 7 days and 19 days (24th July 2013 to 2nd August and 24th July 2013 to 11th August), respectively accompanied by two of the NIFTEM faculty members. Similarly four and two M. Tech. first-year students of NIFTEM along with one NIFTEM faculty have visited KSU and USC, respectively, for 19 days from 24th July 2013 to 11th August. During this visit B. Tech. students have attended lectures by faculties who are revered worldwide and visited various academic labs, food industries, and agricultural farms associated closely with those universities. While M. Tech. students were also exposed to similar activities along with their hands-on experience with the various ongoing research activities in their concerned Universities.
M. Tech students who visited to University of Saskatchewan (USC), Canada.

M. Tech students who visited to Kansas State University (KSU), USA.

M. Tech students who visited to Nebraska Lincoln (UNL), USA.