Industrial Training
The curriculum for B.Tech The course includes two compulsory industrial trainings of 4-6 weeks duration carrying 1 credit each, to be carried out in the summer vacation at the end of the fourth and sixth semester, respectively. Any arrangement of training in industry or academia (within or outside the country) has to be routed through Training Placement Section via the faculty in charge of the training of the respective department. A student after being selected in an organization by Training Placement Section cannot out of his training from that organization under any circumstances. The allotment of training programs for all students by the Training Placement Section will be frozen by a suitable and fixed deadline each year. No further change will be entertained under any circumstances.
Evaluation of Industrial Training
The performance of the student in the industrial training will be evaluated based on his submission of a certificate from the organization of his training followed by a combined viva-voce/presentation and evaluation of the write-up/report. The grades of Industrial Training shall be awarded on the following basis:
1. Write-up Report 50%
2. Presentation 50%
Grades in Industrial Training shall be awarded by a committee consisting of following members:
1. Head of the Department.
2. Industrial training In-Charge.
3. Two senior faculty members of the department nominated by head of the department.