
To produce world-class business leaders, develop globally competitive processes and technologies, and international best practices in the area of food technology, entrepreneurship, and management.

To carry out R&D in frontier areas, develop world-class technologies and assist the government in policy-making on food processing.

To be a prime academic institution in the areas of food technology, en- trepreneurship, and management, NIFTEM would offer courses and training programs of global standards with an optimal mix of inputs on food technology, management, and entrepreneurship.

To offer continual training to the industry to enhance their skill and be updated on global trends in food research and technology by consultation with the stakeholders.

NIFTEM would play a pivotal role in developing food standards, quality, accreditation, and certification; keeping a repository of international & national standards, and also advising the Government on matters related to interna- tional food standards. NIFTEM would be an apex information resource center on aspects of food processing including information on products, technologies, management practices, food standards, markets, etc, NIFTEM would specif- ically focus on providing comprehensive information to exporters in the food sector. NIFTEM would provide incubator services to enable entrepreneurs to develop sustainable businesses. On the strength of in-depth industry expertise provided by NIFTEM’s resources pool, which can in turn catalyze the growth of the food processing sector by nurturing world-class entrepreneurs.


The Vision for NIFTEM is to set up an International center of excellence that integrates technological, managerial, and behavioral aspects of the Indian Food Processing industry with the clear objective of catapulting the sector to the numero uno position in the world. Unlike the existing food science institutes in India, NIFTEM will function as a center for integrated education, research, enterprise incubation, and outreach in the area of food science, technology, and business. Experts believe that there will be significant economic gains from incubation and enterprise development, which can in turn catalyze the growth of the Food Processing Sector in the national and international spheres by nurturing world-class entrepreneurs.

”To be an International Center of Excellence that integrates all facets of food technology, entrepreneurship, and management and be recognized as the focal point for catalyzing the growth of the food processing industry in India in the global context.”

Mandate of NIFTEM

NIFTEM has the mandate to work as a Sector Promotion Organisation/Business Promotion Organisation of the Food Processing Sector. The major objectives of NIFTEM are:

State of art infrastructure put in place in consultation with eminent experts in the food sector, both from India and abroad.

To work as a “One Stop Solution Provider” to all the problems of the sector.

To work for “Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Development” for the sector.

To facilitate “Business Incubation Services”.

To conduct Frontier Area Research and foster Innovation for the develop- ment of the sector.

To develop World Class Managerial Talent coupled with advanced knowledge in Food Science and Technology.

To function as a Knowledge Repository.

To work for the up-gradation of SME food processing clusters.

To provide intellectual backing for regulations, governing Food Quality and Safety.

To promote cooperation and networking among existing institutions within India and Abroad.