TThe University Grants Commission, Govt of India, has given priority to the downtrodden students,staffs and faculty, and given direction to all the universities to establish SC/ST Cell. The SC/ST Cell at NIFTEM was constituted in the year 2016. After the establishment of the Cell in the institute, it specifically concentrated on the welfare of the SC/ST students, staff and faculty. The main aim of the Cell is to monitor the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission Govt of India, from time to time. The Cell ensures the effective implementation of the reservation policies in the admission of students in various courses of study, prevention of caste based discrimination, accommodation in the hostels, appointments to the teaching and non-teaching posts against reserved category, allotment of quarters, establishment of Book Bank in the institute, and maintenance of roster register in the institute.


To be an institution of excellence in higher education that continually responds to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards creating a people-centred and ecologically sustainable society that promotes and protects the dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all, with special emphasis on marginalised and vulnerable groups.


Assist, guide and train to student, staff and faculty of weaker and disadvantaged section of society to produce best citizen of mankind to maintain happiness, harmony and prosperity in the society.


According to the 1998 UGC Guidelines for the establishment of Special Cell for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, for the Universities and deemed Universities, the purpose of these Cells is to monitor the admission of students and the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staffs at various levels. Its function is also to help the SC/ST categories to integrate with the mainstream of the institute community and to remove difficulties, which they may be experiencing.


To oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes for disadvantaged groups, to provide guidance and counselling with respect to academic, financial, social and other matters and to enhance the diversity within the campus. Some of the specific main objectives of the Centre are:

To implement the reservation policy for SCs/STs in the institute.

Collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and non-teaching positions in the institute, and analysis of the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.

To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India, MHRD and the UGC.

To implement, monitor continuously and evaluate the reservation policy in the institute and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and programmers of the Government of India


The SC/ST Cell was established in the institute to coordinate with the institute authorities in the implementation of the various policies and programmes launched by the Central Government, MHRD, UGC and State Government for the benefit of the SC/ST students. It also undertakes the activities to develop awareness among the SC/ST students, especially from the rural areas. The staff of the Cell are actively engaged in coordinating and solving the problems in related matters. They announce details of government scholarships and fellowships through circulars to the SC/ST students. The Cell ensure the implementation of the rules of reservation in appointments as well as in the allotment of quarters to SC /ST employees. The SC/ ST Cell provides guidance to institute in respect of promotions/recruitment for the latest rule position concerning SC/ ST reservations. Circulate GOI and Commission’s decisions and to collect regularly, on an annual basis, information regarding course-wise admissions to candidates belonging to the SC and ST in the institute for different courses. Circulate GOI orders and Commission’s decisions and to collect information in respect of appointment, training of these communities in teaching and non-teaching posts in the Institute. Collect reports and information regarding the GOI orders on various aspects of education, training and employment of SC and ST candidates, which help in evolving new policies or modifying existing policy by the Commission. Analyse information on admissions, education, training and employment of SCs and STs, and prepare reports and process for onward transmission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development/University Grants Commission and such other authorities as may be required. Deal with representations received from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates regarding their admission, recruitment, promotion and other similar matters in the institute. Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the institute and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems; Maintain a register for employment of SCs/STs in the institute for the candidates belonging to SC/ST community for various posts in the institute; and Any other work assigned from time to time to promote higher education among these two communities suffering economic, social and educational deprivations. The Cell is assisting the institute for providing statistical information periodically and promptly on all aspects to the Government.


Scholarship is a boon for students belonging to the weaker sections (specifically SCs/STs) of the society, who are unable to further their education for some reason or the other. It is an encouragement for students, who are talented, but do not have the means to study further. There are a variety of scholarships merit or need-based, student-specific and career specific.

Different Scholarship Schemes and their respective website


1. The Cell is planning for implementing various schemes of the MHRD and University Grants Commission with the objective to improve the learning levels of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe candidates to bring them up.

2. The Cell is planning for establishing the Book Bank and Book Grants for the SC/ST students of the institute.

3. The Cell is planning for following special activities so as to tune the students belonging to SC/ST.

Remedial English Coaching Classes for weaker students

Counselling and guidance related to UPSC related examinations

Research Methodology Classes for PG students


The SC/ST students and Employees can approach the SC/ST Cell for redressal of any of their grievance(s) regarding academic, administrative or social nature. The Liaison Officer of Cell process their complaints, meets the concerned students and staff, to understand their problem and takes necessary action and/or renders them necessary advice/help to resolve the matter.

Procedure to file a complaint:

A written complaint may be submitted to the Liaison Officer, SC/ST Cell. Any student and employee (including contractual, casual and temporary) of institute can approach the Cell.

An online form in website of institute under SC/ST Cell heading is available, any student/employee belonging to SC/ST may submit his/her complaint if any.

Scholarship & Guidelines:

**Prevention of caste based discrimination

1. Online complaints regarding caste/ community discrimination

2. Govt. of India guidelines for Reservation Policy for SCs/STs

3. Format of SC/ST Certificate as per Govt. of India

4. Office Orders/ Notifications

5. Updates from Govt. of India

6. Scholarship, Fellowship and Other Support for SC/ST Candidates

SC/ST Cell

# Name Department Liaison Officer Period
1 Dr. Bhim Pratap Singh, Professor Agriculture and Environmental Science SC/ST Cell
2 Er. Kumaresh Halder Food Engineering Department SC/ST Cell 19/09/2016-11/01/2018
3 Dr. Murlidher Meghwal Food Science and Technology Department SC/ST Cell 11/01/2018-Till Date

Contact Details

Emails: scst.cell@niftem.ac.in
Contact No.: +91-130-2281370