Food Engineering

Department of Food Engineering was established in the year 2012 as one of the prime departments of NIFTEM. The main objective of the department is to create trained and skilled human resources to cater to the needs of the rapidly growing food processing sector. The department is currently exclusively offering Food Process Engineering & Management (FPEM) and Ph.D. program apart from various courses in B.Tech (Food Technology & Management).


  1. To produce world-class business facilities, develop globally competitive processes and technologies, and international best practices in the area of food engineering.
  2. To carry out R&D in frontier areas, develop world-class technologies and assist the government in policy-making on food processing.
  3. To offer courses and training programs of global standards with an optimal mix of inputs on food engineering, management, and entrepreneurship.
  4. To offer continual training to the industry to enhance skills and be updated on global trends in food research and technology by consultation with the stakeholders.


“The department strives to be the first choice of students as a center for integrated education, research, and enterprise incubation in the area of food engineering, research, industrial technology, and business.”

Research Thrust Areas of the department

Drying Technology

Structure Dynamics, CAD/CAM

Operational Design

Food Processing, Equipment Design

Product Development

Food Packaging

Sensors in Food Industry

3D Food Printing

Waste Product Utilization

Dairy, New Product Development

Novel Processing Technology

Name: Prof.Anupama Singh
Qualification: Ph.D
Designation: Professor & Head of Department
Contact No.: +91-130-2281201
Ext. No.: 1201