B.Tech(Food Technology Management)
NIFTEM offers a full time programme leading to a B.Tech degree in Food Technology and Management. This programme includes a rare blend of technology and management courses, whereby the goal is to produce graduates who are techno-managers of tomorrow. The course has been started on the demand of industries, so that NIFTEM graduates can handle both the technical and the managerial issues in food industries. Students are admitted to this programme through IIT JEE (Main) merit list and the programme is very competitive
Click to Read MoreInnovative Curriculum
Each programme of NIFTEM is a unique blend of technology and management so curriculum provides ample opportunities to students to be groomed as a techno-manager. Curriculum is benchmarked through global experts from academics, industries and research.
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The performance of the student in the Village Adoption Programme will be evaluated at the end of the semester. In all semesters of B.Tech. the village adoption evaluation shall be based on a village visits and presentation of the activities done in the village by the concerned student group. The grades of village adoption shall be awarded by the ‘Mentor’ of the concerned student group.
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The curriculum for B.Tech. course includes two compulsory industrial training of 4-6 weeks duration carrying 1 credit each, to be carried out in the summer vacation at the end of the fourth and sixth semester, respectively. Any arrangement of training in industry or academia (within or outside the country) has to be routed through Training & Placement Section via the faculty in-charge of training of the respective department. A student after being selected in an organization by Training & Placement Section cannot out of his training from that organization under any circumstances. The allotment of training programs of all students by Training & Placement Section will be frozen by a suitable and fixed deadline each year. No further change will be entertained under any circumstances.
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Admission in the B.Tech. program is made before the beginning of the odd semester of each session. In addition, other modes of admission may be applicable for foreign nationals and Indian nationals residing abroad, as per the norms approved by the Academic Council, in accordance with the policy laid down by the Government of India from time to time.
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The evaluation of the final year project of B.Tech. shall be done at the end of 7th and 8th semester by an Under-graduate Project Committee, recommended by Dean (Academics) and approved by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
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In an innovative approach to achieve excellence in academics, NIFTEM organizes one of its flagship program i.e., International Students Exchange Program by sending its meritorious undergraduate and post graduate students to different universities of world repute. Undergraduate students are exposed to best of teaching environment and research facilities in those universities. Postgraduate students, apart from this, are also exposed to most advance researches that are being undertaken in the area of food science and technology by active participation. Thus international student’s exchange program actually helps the students to broaden their horizon of knowledge.
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NIFTEM Merit Scholarship: The scholarship is given to first 3 students on merit scholarship would be paid during the period of second semester. There after toppers of first year will be awarded scholarship for next year and subsequent years accordingly only to the toppers of each year. It includes tuition fee waiver and a fixed monthly stipend for ten months.
NIFTEM Merit-cum-Means Scholarship: Institute merit-cum-means scholarship is awarded to B.Tech. students of the institute strictly on merit-cum- means basis for needy students having family annual income from all sources not exceeding Rs.2,50,000/-. 5% students will be considered for award of scholarship i.e. six students in B.Tech. (one each in all the five streams). It includes tuition fee waiver and a fixed monthly stipend for ten months.
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