Central Instrumentation Laboratory, NIFTEM

A Central Instrumentation Laboratory is of utmost importance in any research institution where state-of-the-art analytical and high-end instruments are manned by qualified personnel to provide scientific and technical services to research stu- dents. Such a facility represents a key commitment to preserving and raising the efficiency of research to international standards. In this connection, NIFTEM has a CIL facility with the most modern equipment to provide high-end analyt- ical services for PG students and researchers with various needs as per the CIL policy.

Central Instrumentation Laboratory Team:

# Name Designation
1 Dr. Neela Emanuel Faculty Lab In charge
2 Mr. Ankur Kumar Lab In charge

Facilities available in CIL

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer(Double beam)

Make: Shimadzu Corporation

Model No.: UV-2600

Differential Scanning Calorimeter


Model No.: DSC-200 F3

CHNS Analyzer

Make: Euro Vector

Model No.: EA-3000

Micro and Analytical Balance

Make: Sartorius

Model No.:

Gas Chromatograph with Auto Sampler

Make: Bruker

Model No.: Scion 456 GC

Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer-Triple Quadruple(GCMSMS)

Make: Agilent

Model No.: 1310B


Make: Perkin Elmer

Model No.: Optima 7000DV

High Performance liquid Chromatography with UV,PDA,

Make: Agilent

Model No.: 1260 Infinity II

High Performance liquid Chromatography with UV,PDA,RI and Fluor sense detector

Make: Water’s India

Model No.: 2707


Make: Agilent

Model No.: Carry 630

Microwave Digester

Make: Anton Paar

Model No.: 3000

Water Purification System

Make: Alga

Model No.: Ultra Clear TWF Plus


Make: Q-Sonica

Model No.:

Ultrasonic cleaner

Make: Alfa Instrument

Model No.:

Rotary Evaporator

Make: Buchi

Model No.: R-215


Make: Alfa Instrument

Model No.: Ai-212

Centrifuge machine

Make: Alfa Instrument

Model No.: R-30

Water Bath Shaker

Make: Alfa Instrument

Model No.: Ai-227