International collaboration is actively supported to give researchers, educators, employees, and students the best possible terms for entering into collaborations with leading technical universities from all around the world. It has been envisaged to promote academic links among the food technologists in abroad. Through international collaboration, NIFTEM can achieve greater influence and visibility. It creates awareness, trust, and respect to collaborate with other well-known technical universities and international organizations.
Encourage additional links and enhance future funding opportunities
Access to foreign or joint facilities and equipment
Share or access knowledge and skills
Personal inspiration, ambition and reputation
Access unique sites and populations
Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the following universities:-
Wageningen University the Netherlands.
Kansas State University KSU, Manhatten, U.S.A.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), U.S.A.
University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Institute of Food Safety and Health, (IFSH), Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A.
Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K.
Michigan State University, U.S.A.
Melbourne University, Australia.
McGill University, Canada.
Student Foreign Exposure Programme
Student foreign exposure programme is an integral part of NIFTEM’s activities.This is an extremely importantprogramme where students get the opportunity to seek international exposure, acquaint themselves with newenvironment and understand global educational standards. In order to add an international perspective to their education, NIFTEM provide student foreign exposure fellowships. Every year 3 B.Tech.students (First 3 meritorious students from 3rd year)and 5 M.Tech. students (One student from each department from 3rd Semester) will go to different Universities / Institutes in abroad.MBA students will be participating in the international immersion as per MBA norms.
Consolidated List of NIFTEM Students Exchange / Exposure Visit to Foreign University (2013 – 2019)
B.Tech students and Dr. Murali Krishna with Dr. Reza Zareifard at St-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre Quebec, Canada on July 2019
Guidelines for B.Tech. Programme
Meritorious students of the NIFTEM shall be provided an opportunity for foreign exposure in a reputed university outside the India for 5 working days, excluding the travel period.
One day in addition to above five days may be provided to the students to explore the socio-cultural practices of the country.
Three students from 3rd year of the programme (on the basis of merit in this category) will be allowed for foreign exposure programme. In the order of merit prepared on the basis of CGPA of up to 5th semester shall be offered the opportunity of foreign visit under this programme after the sixth semester exams are held.
In this programme NIFTEM shall provide full travelling support limited to economy class air tickets only in any cheapest airline operators following Government of India rules. For lodging and boarding support suitable stipend will be provided to students which will be decided by the committee.
This award shall not be transferable.
A student despite of falling in the merit shall be denied this opportunity if a punishment has been given to him/her under disciplinary rules and/or for use of unfair means in exams and or debarred for appearing in exams due to shortage of attendance during programme of study under consideration till date.
It is mandatory to have valid passport before applying for this programme
Guidelines for M.Tech. Programmes

M. Tech. Students with Dr. Sankaran Krsihnaraj, Director, Saint-Hyacinthe Research and Development Centre, AAFC, Canada on 2018
Meritorious students of all the PG programmes of NIFTEM shall be provided an opportunity for foreign exposure in a reputed university outside the India for maximum 45 working days, excluding the travel period. Minimum period of such program shall be 15 days.
One student from each of the PG programmes (on the basis of merit in this category) of NIFTEM, in order of merit by CGPA/SGPA of 1st semester shall be offered the opportunity of foreign visit under this programme after the second semester exams are held.
In this programme NIFTEM shall provide full travelling support limited to economy class air tickets only in any cheapest airline operators following government rules. Expenses other than air tickets shall be borne by the student concerned at his/her own.
This award is non-transferable and shall be available to the topper of the batch only. If more than one student is at the number one position in a programme, both can be given equal travel support maximum by dividing the cost of one ticket among the eligible students.
A student despite of falling in the merit shall be denied for this opportunity if a punishment has been given to him/her under disciplinary rules and/or for use of unfair means in exams and/or debarred for appearing in exams due to shortage of attendance during programme of study under consideration till date.
It is mandatory to have valid passport before applying for this programme
Guidelines for MBA Programme
International Immersion is an important part of MBA Program.
All the admitted MBA students are required to go through an international immersion work of short-duration (approx 2 weeks) in one or more leading foreign university/institute/industry/school of management/agribusiness/food business management/food services management & hospitality or related and relevant discipline to management students.
International Immersion may be conducted preferably in the 3rd semester. However, the exact duration and time of visit may be decided in consultation with organizing foreign University/ Institution/Industry based upon their convenience and availability. Only in exceptional case, the visit may be conducted in the 4th semester.

MBA students and Dr. Vimal Pant at University of Melbourne on June 2019
The above duration could be used for both the academic sessions and the general exposure about commerce and industry, politico-legal systems, socio-cultural dynamics, etc.
In this programme, 85% of fee collected from students for International Immersion Programme shall be made available towards this programme. Remaining 15% will be the administrative charges of Institute. All remaining expenses shall be borne by the student concerned on his/her own.
Among the meritorious MBA students, NIFTEM will bear the lodging and boarding expenses of only one top-most student (in order of merit by CGPA/SGPA of 1st semester).
It is mandatory to have valid passport by each student before applying for this programme.
All the students are required to submit post-visit report to the department of FBM&ED.
The expenses of accompanying faculty member(s) will be borne by NIFTEM.
In case a student is not able to attend the foreign immersion programme due to some eventuality or visa not granted case, the committee as at 1.1 shall consider the case for refund/permission. The committee in such case may recommend a refund of the International Immersion Programme fee collected as under:
1. Case of ‘Visa-not-Granted’: 85% of the fee collected
2. All other cases: Maximum up to 75% of the fee collected
Application for NIFTEM Student Exposure Programme